Appear In Our Documentary

As we sincerely hope our electric scooter have brought convenience to your life, we also would like to know the changes in your life scooter brought you and your unforgettable moment with e-scooter.
So, we want to hear from you of the story between you and e-scooter.

Are you, the main character, willing to share your story in front of the camera?
As a reward, we will give you a FREE scooter after the shooting.
Once we make a deal, our director will contact you and communicate the details of the shoot.

Sincerely welcome your participation!
Click here to attend / Contact via: [email protected]

*Kindly note that you need to allow us to display your interview content on the Internet, including the official website and Anyhill social media platform

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    +1 626-802-0747
    Mon-Fri[9:00-17:00 PST]

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Support: [email protected]
+1 217-553-4088

Mon-Fri[9:00-17:00 PST]
